Should you have a link that opens in a new tab or window?

Ask Monika

Links in a New Tab or Window

Should you allow links to open in a new tab or window on your blog post? I’m sure they’ll be some that will say yes but when you do allow that to happen, you end up breaking the back button function and force the user to open a new window or tab on their computer.  Often times people have multiple windows open and can at times forget where they were thus not finding their way back to your original site/post. Not checking that box allows the user to browse a site the way they want and not the way you want them to and that “back” button works real well.

Please also watch my previous tutorial on How to Create a click-able e-mail link.

A video tutorial

Any questions or suggestions please send me a message.
Monika McGillicuddy


About Monika McGillicuddy

I've been a NH REALTOR for many years and love what I do. I also teach other agents and offer consulting services, everything from real estate sales techniques to social media training. If you are looking for a REALTOR in Southern NH...look no further!